Trinity Methodist Church, Brentgovel St, Bury St Edmunds, IP33 1EB

Contact information:
The Minister of Trinity Methodist Church, and the Superintendent Minister of the local Methodist Circuit.
Revd Canon Jason Vinyard
Manse Tel. 01284 754574
Circuit Office at Trinity Methodist Church
Office Hours: Monday and Thursday, 9.30am - 2.30pm.
Tel. 01284 731082
Church Stewards
The church stewards work together with the minister as a leadership team.  They are responsible for the smooth running of the church and welcome helpful comments and suggestions from the congregation.
Clare De'Ath
Chris Spencer
Josie Keys
Maureen Dean
Phil Colton
Richard Wild
Church Safeguarding Officers Sue Robinson (01284 760820) and Val Matthews
(emergency contact: the minister, as above)
Messy Church (currently suspended)
Weekly Notice Sheet Please contact Josie Keys with any items for the Notice Sheet.
Editors of Church Magazine -  Forum
Any information for inclusion should be passed to Russell.
Russell Cook
Property Bookings
Please contact the Circuit Administrator with any matters relating to booking rooms.
Church Council Secretary Phil Colton
Website Administrator email ... to report errors and omissions on the website.