Hello and welcome
to the Trinity Methodist Church website.
We hope you enjoy finding out about us and what we do. Our building is located in the middle
of Bury St. Edmunds' historic town centre, just a short walk from the market
square. Of course buildings matter but any church is really about its
aim to reach out so that many others can share in the life of the church and
experience something of God's love.
have been described as the friends of all and the enemies of none. Whether
you are seeking faith or looking for a Church to link up with, you will be
very welcome. We believe that Jesus Christ's love is freely available for
all people. Wherever you live or wherever you come from and whatever your
background we hope that you will feel at home here and we look forward
to meeting you.
God bless you and all those you love.
Trinity's official address is:
Trinity Methodist Church
Brentgovel Street
Bury St Edmunds
IP33 1EB
... but it's easier to
find if you think of it as being at the top of Looms Lane, because Brentgovel Street is split into two with a pedestrianised area in the middle.
Trinity Methodist Church is pleased to be a part of
Churches Together in Bury St. Edmunds and District.
whose website is
Trinity Mission Statement:
To witness to our Christian faith by sharing the love of God with all, through worship, learning and service.
Some recordings of recent
sermons are now available here.
And remember that recordings of entire services are available in mp3 format - just ask the AV team.

Trinity has an old Facebook page, and a new one. This link now points to the brand new, up-to-date one ...